No Day Like Today

Monday, August 4, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Glass of Milk
Granola Bar
Cup of hot Green Tea
100 Calorie Pack - Chex Chocolate Caramel
12" Chicken Salad Blimpie Sub (bad Holly!)
Mountain Dew
Leftover Half Portion Rigatoni & Alfredo
Handful of Cashews

Activities: 20 Minute - 6 a.m. jog/walk

It being my first day trying this out, I decided an experiment in which I'd get up at 6:00 am and go for a walk before work. Am I fucking crazy? Couldn't get Mike out of bed, he said he would come but sleep called him back, and it was his day off, I wasn't arguing.

Well it was productive, I feel good, and the sunrise did make me cry a little, but the nuts out there at that hardcore people. And they all have to say Hi, STFU it's too early. And I feel like such a loser. I was the only overweight person there, which I feel I have more right to be there than they do, I need this shit, they don't, but I felt like they were judging and staring. Probably wondering what that fat chick is doing out here, ugh. My stomach wasn't ready either. Painful gas for some reason, it was just doing flip-flops. I never can get right up and get going, my bowels never agree. TMI right? Well I'm going to be blunt so get used to it, my mind needs this honesty.

No to be a quitter (which I am), I decided that if Mike can't go with me to remove the awkwardness of seeing these people (his is the only voice I can stand to hear in the morning), I'm going to continue the early morning thing, but just work out in my stuff in the basement. I do feel good, and slightly more awake, but I just can't risk almost shitting my pants in the park because my tummy isn't agreeing with me. add an extra level of quitting, I'm only doing the early morning thing when I have to work at 10 instead of like today when I have to work at 8:30. Sunrise was beautiful but jesus christ this is early. So early that I spelled "weight" as "wate", and couldn't remember how it was spelled for a second..and I'm a fucking good speller, that ain't right.

I realized I needed to set some rules:

  • Weigh-ins every 2 weeks. I keep the scale in the basement too so there's no temptation. I think people make themselves sick weighing themselves everyday so I'll stick to every other Sunday.
  • Going out to eat. It's a nice treat, we shouldn't be completely deprived. 1 quick service & 1 sit down restaurant a week. Half portions or take half home whenever possible. Always get water, iced tea is 100 calories a glass.
  • Minimal calories at work, I'm not moving hardly, only need a few hundred calories.
  • List EVERYTHING eaten here (drinks included, water doesn't count).
  • Take a full body picture every 5 lbs lost. More motivation!

I think I can manage. It's all about discipline. This isn't a crash diet or wacky deprivation, or annoying counting calories or points. Portion control and exercise, which I think is the only way to lose weight.