
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Blueberry Muffins
Lean Cuisine Lasagna & Chicken
Couple Cheetos, Pistachios, a gummy peach ring
Cheese Ravioli alfredo w/broccoli
1/2 cup Peach Ice Cream

Activities: Cleaned the house? Kind of...

So today I just stayed home..and you see what happens by looking at what I ate. I'm I just nibble like every hour. It's small things but I just get bored if he's not here and I go and look in the pantry/fridge. Ridiculous. I'm kind of depressed when I go to the kitchen, cause I feel guilty but I'm still in there picking at things. Bad Girl.

Let's Try This Again

Friday, August 8, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Blueberry Muffin
Quizno's Chicken Salad w/Honey Mustard dressing & Flatbread
Iced Tea
1/2 Cinnamon Sugar Cookie
Shrimp Scampi w/Pasta
Piece of Pumpkin Pie

Activities: Nothing Yet

So the Browns game yesterday was fun, ate a huge dinner though so we wouldn't eat the crap at the stadium. And of course we were starving after so we had to stop by White Castle and consume many burgers, then went right to bed. So that was evil but for one day it was ok. I can't be a food nazi all the time.

Wagon? Oh that..I fell off.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Blueberry Muffins
Easy Mac
Crab Stuffed Shrimp, Salad, Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Onion Straws
White Castle

Activities: Browns game!

Yeah...I fell off the wagon today. We went to a Browns game so I kind of threw the portion thing to the wind just for one day, we'll start back up tomorrow!

All By Myself

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Bowl of Cookie Crunch Cereal
100 Calorie Pack Chocolate Caramel Chex
140 Cal. Bag of Sunchips
Werther's Original
Handful of Cheetos
Pierogies & Broccoli w/cheese
Piece of Pumpkin Pie

Activities: None Yet

You know, I do all right really. I don't have any vices, no smoking, no drinking. I don't really like chocolate, only in small amounts. I don't go to starbucks every day for a coffee (coffee is gross). My only downfall is the laziness and portions. Entering contests requires me to sit for at least an hour a day, plus the sitting at work. I need to stress to myself the importance of doing some sort of daily exercise. I try to get up as much as I can from my desk at work, and play with the cats at home when I'm entering sweeps.

I should have more activities built in, stuff to do with friends, family, etc...but I don't. I don't have any friends, just acquaintances, family doesn't do anything either. I stay home on the weekends, it's hard to find things that I'm interested in doing too. I would love nothing more than a female friend that's my size too that would go to a gym or walk, or join a dance class with me.

It gets kind of lonely..I love hanging out with Mike but having friends would be nice too, I just never let anybody in, again too it seems everybody annoys me in some way or another. Annoys me with their vices or just personality in general. I just never have anything to talk about, so hanging around me is like watching paint dry...I desperately try to think of questions to ask them to keep a conversation going but I was never good at improv. Doesn't come naturally for me, hard for me to keep interested. Plus it seems all anybody wants to do is talk about their kids, and you know how I feel about that.

Pretty sure I have adult ADD probably, sigh.

Can I Be You For Awhile

Monday, August 4, 2008

Things I've Eaten Today:
Bowl of Cookie Crunch Cereal
Sun Chips (140 cal bag)
100 Calorie pack Chocolate Pretzels
Werther's Original
Croissant Dogs, French Fries, Cheesy Veggies
Peach Gummy Ring
Glass of Arizona Green Tea
Couple Spoonfuls of Peach Ice Cream

Activities: 25 min. walk w/Mike

Tried desperately to get out of bed this morning to work out, it wasn't happening. I'll work out tonight. I need to get to bed earlier than 11 if I'm going to work out in the morning, gotta get enough sleep. My shins hurt for some reason, or rather the muscles around my calves too, weird..must be from the slight jogging that I did, used muscles I haven't used before.

Writing down what I'm eating is working. I actually was eyeballing some more snacks yesterday but I didn't, because I didn't feel like writing it down. Calories avoided.

You know, you may be thinking, "but Holly, you don't want're just a waste of space, what's the point about caring about your health, losing weight, or even continue living for that matter?

I've thought this myself also. Hey, I'm not having kids...who cares about my health, I have no legacy to upkeep...might as well just fatten up for the winter.

But I'm going to be with Mike until we're all old and have to have people wipe our ass for us. And we're going to be bitter assholes as old people too, it'll be awesome. So I gotta get healthy.

Mike is the reason, and the whole point of me doing anything. I don't believe in god, but thank..whomever for bringing him to me. I win at life, ha.

No Day Like Today

Things I've Eaten Today:
Glass of Milk
Granola Bar
Cup of hot Green Tea
100 Calorie Pack - Chex Chocolate Caramel
12" Chicken Salad Blimpie Sub (bad Holly!)
Mountain Dew
Leftover Half Portion Rigatoni & Alfredo
Handful of Cashews

Activities: 20 Minute - 6 a.m. jog/walk

It being my first day trying this out, I decided an experiment in which I'd get up at 6:00 am and go for a walk before work. Am I fucking crazy? Couldn't get Mike out of bed, he said he would come but sleep called him back, and it was his day off, I wasn't arguing.

Well it was productive, I feel good, and the sunrise did make me cry a little, but the nuts out there at that hardcore people. And they all have to say Hi, STFU it's too early. And I feel like such a loser. I was the only overweight person there, which I feel I have more right to be there than they do, I need this shit, they don't, but I felt like they were judging and staring. Probably wondering what that fat chick is doing out here, ugh. My stomach wasn't ready either. Painful gas for some reason, it was just doing flip-flops. I never can get right up and get going, my bowels never agree. TMI right? Well I'm going to be blunt so get used to it, my mind needs this honesty.

No to be a quitter (which I am), I decided that if Mike can't go with me to remove the awkwardness of seeing these people (his is the only voice I can stand to hear in the morning), I'm going to continue the early morning thing, but just work out in my stuff in the basement. I do feel good, and slightly more awake, but I just can't risk almost shitting my pants in the park because my tummy isn't agreeing with me. add an extra level of quitting, I'm only doing the early morning thing when I have to work at 10 instead of like today when I have to work at 8:30. Sunrise was beautiful but jesus christ this is early. So early that I spelled "weight" as "wate", and couldn't remember how it was spelled for a second..and I'm a fucking good speller, that ain't right.

I realized I needed to set some rules:

  • Weigh-ins every 2 weeks. I keep the scale in the basement too so there's no temptation. I think people make themselves sick weighing themselves everyday so I'll stick to every other Sunday.
  • Going out to eat. It's a nice treat, we shouldn't be completely deprived. 1 quick service & 1 sit down restaurant a week. Half portions or take half home whenever possible. Always get water, iced tea is 100 calories a glass.
  • Minimal calories at work, I'm not moving hardly, only need a few hundred calories.
  • List EVERYTHING eaten here (drinks included, water doesn't count).
  • Take a full body picture every 5 lbs lost. More motivation!

I think I can manage. It's all about discipline. This isn't a crash diet or wacky deprivation, or annoying counting calories or points. Portion control and exercise, which I think is the only way to lose weight.

A Start

Let me make something clear. I am very happy. In fact, too happy, disgustingly-corny-happy with my home life.

However the only aspect in my life (aside from my job) that bugs me is my weight. Right now at 25 I'm sitting at 220. This is the only thing that brings me down mentally. I was never a skinny girl, always some junk in the trunk (thanks genes). In high school the only reason I was thin was due to what I called an eating disorder (for a couple years from 8a-3p all I had was a Fruitopia, couldn't eat in front of other people), but after that faded here come the pounds. I think from my genes I'm predetermined to be heavy, but this blog is gonna help me fight the mental battle. I'm going to be gross, lewd, and honest with myself, so if you no likey then bye bye.
Thing is, I don't think that I look that bad, till I see pictures. When I walk around I feel tall, and not too fat, I don't think I'm that wide, everything is looking good. But then I see a video or picture of myself and I'm just flabbergasted...maybe I have a good mental body image of myself, I just don't think I look that way, but I do, gotta be honest.

The diet is mainly what gets me down. I love everything evil. Pastas, pastries, snacks, my downfall. PORTION SIZE. Good lord I can put it down. Don't know when to stop, eating till uncomfortably full, etc. We also go out to eat A LOT. I'm a decent cook but not as good as any restaurant. I crave stuff like crazy. And if we do go out, appetizer, entree, sometimes dessert, thousands of calories, then I go home and sit or nap. Sickening.

Also I LOVE the couch and my TV and video games. God what else is there to do? So after high school, I've been working on 7 years of couch laying and yummy carbs. It's hard to be motivated when you're so in love and he tells you you're hot stuff all the time. It's like an alternate universe where you just eat when you're happy and happy when you eat.

Acid reflux and chondromalacia came because of the weight. Problems: arms, legs, butt, stomach, the usuals. Though one thing I'll miss is my boobs, god I have some rocking tits. They were always small when I was skinny though, I hope they stick around.

So after many tears and looking in the mirror and only myself to blame, I have to change something. Diabetes and thyroid issues run in my family and I'm scared to death of facing any kind of health problems.

What's going to go on here is I'm going to blog everyday what I'm eating, in hopes that the guilt of having to write a ton of stuff will keep me from eating it in the first place. I'm going to talk about how I'm feeling, any exercise I did, etc. Boring stuff for the reader but important for me.
My target ideal weight is 180. 40 lbs. I'm not wanting it to come off fast, just some progress towards that would be nice. I think that's a nice healthy weight for me.
180 I think is also going to signify a turnaround, 180 degrees. Let's turn away from all these bad habits and bingeing and fix me.